• Story of APU WAYRURONI (Translation of video below, featuring Juan Q’espi Calcina)

    Once upon a time, Spanish conquistadors in Peru decided to go and find the last Inka Priests of the Inka lineage in order to take their gold.  They followed the Qhapaq Ñan, Inka trails of abundance, until they arrived to Q’ero. As our Q’ero Priests were always in close communion with their Apus (spirits of the mountains) and Pachamama, (Mother Earth) they were forewarned that dangerous men-who did not keep the AYNI-sacred reciprocity-with Mother Earth were coming, with greed in their hearts. Apu Wayruroni said, “You must not let these men enter your village. Build tall columns of rocks so that when they arrive, I can strike them down with bolts of lightning.”

  • This is the event that we always remember called Pukelloqlla—the red landslide—that killed most of the Spaniards. For the few that survived—and because Pachamama had ordered a stop to this invasion—the green lake opened and swallowed them whole, astride their horses. These warnings from the Apus and Pachamama, made our ancestors decide it was time to take the Sacred Inka Wisdom—known as the “Gold & Silver” storehouses— to the mystical city of Paititi within the borders of Miskayani in the Amazon jungle. This story is handed down through the oral tradition of our ancestors so we will always remember that Apu Wayruroni is our Protector Mountain, and that the Gold and Silver storehouses of knowledge will remain hidden until it is time for the Inka to return.

At this moment on our planet, we are a world in great transition. The Q’ero people are in service to empowering humanity to face the challenges of these epic times by remembering how to receive the wisdom of nature. Through their lineage of teachings, imbued into their sacred weavings, you are invited to reconnect to your natural birthright of happiness and peace, living a life infused with inspiration, purpose, gratitude and heart.

Engage With Us

  • Sacred Weavings

    Traditional Mast’ana cloths and rare, ancient style Ch'uncho designs. Help to encourage the rich traditions of weaving, music, and ceremony of the Q'ero community, educate the next generation of Paqos, and facilitate exchange with the world while minimizing disturbance of the delicate culture of this sacred people. 

  • Global Paqo School

    A year-long study and practice where you learn the ancient wisdom that guides you to true Happiness, directly from Q’ero teachers. Feel the infinite love of the most tender mother in the world - Pachamama. Learn to connect with the deepest essence of Nature in order to transform and heal.

  • The Q’ero People

    The Q’ero people of Peru have lived the same lifestyles as their ancestors since time immemorial. Because of this, their sacred spirituality and teachings are still intact - pristine and pure. Even in the face of Western encroachment, their authentic culture offers a sacred path to find our way through.

  • How We Help

    The Wiraqocha Foundation is a non-profit educational and charitable organization made up of a passionate group of experienced men and women who are each dedicated to preserving and sharing the Sacred Knowledge & Wisdom of the Q’ero people of the Andes of Peru - “The last true Inka peoples on Earth”

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Programs & Events

  • GPS in Zoom

    The Global Paqo School

    For those seeking a profound, life-changing sense of belonging, harmony and love, we invite you to deepen your nature connection by joining the Global Community in our year-long GPS Program. Receive transmissions and teachings directly from the Q’ero Masters themselves, facilitated by Elizabeth Jenkins and translator Fredy Conde Huallpa.

  • Heading The Return Of The Inka

    The Return of the Inka

    On August 7, 2022, over 100 Q’ero arrived to Cuzco to open the world’s first Q’ero Wisdom Healing and Weaving House, bringing the sacred knowledge of the INKA back to the ancient heart of the Inka capital for the first time in 500 years! If you are planning a trip to Cuzco please visit our Hatun Q'ero Cultural Center at 385 Santa Teresa Street, located 1/2 block from Plaza Regocijo across the street from SUNAT in Cuzco, Peru.

    Let Maximo & Karina take you on a tour in the Cultural Center 

Beautiful People, Sacred Traditions

The Q’ero’s Beloved Alpaca

The Q’ero culture is centered around their sacred role as the keepers of the alpaca and vicuña, the smaller cousin of the alpaca. These beautiful animals are seen as a direct manifestation of Pachamama, Mother Earth. 

Vicuña fur is especially prized for its softness and rarity - softer even than cashmere, and only able to be harvested once every 15 months, vicuña fur was woven by the Q'ero to create amazing weavings specifically for the clothing worn by the Inka royals.

“AWAY, the Quechua verb 'to weave' means: with respect and ceremony we raise the alpaca so it's hair grows beautifully. Sheared with love brings beautiful fiber! Spun, invoking the muse of the spindle and pattern we add powerful prayers to our ancient Inka designs.” —Elizabeth B. Jenkins

women weaver

The Q'ero have retained their cultural foundations - they are still “authentic.”

The Q’ero culture was never diluted during the time of the Spanish conquest. Their spiritual teachings remain untouched, and therefore maintain an integrity and connection with Nature and the Spirits that is not found in other cultures.

Their weavings are “living energy.'' Each weaving contains the prayers of Inka ancestral power and wisdom.  As the heddle stick glides across the preciously held and hand dyed yarn, each thread is intentionally encoded with their living energy. 

The coveted and fabled “Inkan gold” sought by Spanish seekers to modern explorers, is not made of metal. It is the spiritual wisdom transmitted in each and every one of their weavings. 

This wisdom is more relevant today than ever before, as it teaches us how to find our way back to ourselves in these exceedingly challenging times.

This is the true significance of the Q’ero and their weavings.

Juan weaving Chuylo

Sacred Shopping on the Hatun Q'eros Store

You can purchase handmade weavings directly from the Q'ero in our online store.

weaving on tundra

Shop the Collections


What We Stand For

Through education, health, cultural preservation, and supported services, we of Wiraqocha Foundation are committed to caring for the Q’ero people and supporting them to share their sacred knowledge of how to live in harmony with nature, with the world.

We invite you to join our growing community with hundreds of members around the world who share this deep love and appreciation for the Q’ero and their guidance on how to live in harmony with nature.

  • Education

    Our Q'ero Kids Education Fund provides tuition assistance and English classes for the sons and daughters of Paqos to attend a private school in Cuzco, Peru. Their enthusiasm is beautiful & contagious.


  • Health

    Women in the Q'ero communities are facing a health crisis.  Many are dying due to the lack of availability of consistent, adequate and culturally sensitive health education and care. They benefit from your contribution.

  • Culture

    Q'ero weavers, singers, musicians, and storytellers not only carry forth cultural traditions but also create new traditions rooted in their community and identity to carry us through these times.

  • Service

    Our Global Paqo Service Network is a fast-growing  worldwide network of Paqos who come together regularly to share with us the Inka Spiritual Tools for healing and transformation to the earth and humanity.