Make the Impact You Came Here to Make

The Wiraqocha Foundation is a non-profit educational and charitable organization dedicated to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and knowledge systems of the Q'ero people of the Andes of Peru.

​The Wiraqocha Foundation’s areas of focus, in keeping with our four point strategic plan, are:

- Providing support for the education of the Q’ero youth

- Creating an environment where the Q’ero people have access to health services

- Cultural preservation and exchange

- Service targeted to support specific programs and initiatives

With the help of hundreds of members around the world, we are committed to building a service organization reflective of the Fourth Level - living from the Energy Principles that reveal how we are inherently connected to Nature.



Do the right thing. At the Wiraqocha Foundation, this is our guiding principle. We believe in transparency - so that you know exactly where your donation is going, and how it is making a difference. So you know that your money is being used responsibly.

We are committed to empowering the Q’eros to live healthy and vibrant lives so they can continue spreading ancient wisdom, and doing good for all people, and our Earth mother, Pachamama. Experience a sense of deep peace, love, and connection to nature as you support the Q’ero and become a part of our family.

“I have no doubt, that the Q’ero teachings are what the World needs today to heal and grow a higher consciousness.” - Rikke Agersted, Denmark


Our Q'ero Kids Education Fund provides tuition assistance for the sons and daughters of Paqos to attend the private Arco Iris school in Cuzco, Peru. The Wiraqocha Foundation also works closely with Willka Yachay, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting schools in Q'eros, including the region's first high school.

Since its beginnings in 1992, the Wiraqocha Foundation has played a critical role in enabling Q’ero students’ access to quality education. The Wiraqocha Foundation has raised significant funds since 2005 to help Q’ero children who have moved to Cuzco to attend school. The General Scholarship Fund aims to facilitate access and educational opportunity by offering tuition assistance in grades K-12 for children to attend private school in Cusco, Peru.

Since 1998, the Wiraqocha Foundation has also provided support to Q’ero Kids in multiple ways, including:

- Providing funding to Munay Tika school in Charqapata Q’eros
- Funding the construction of three greenhouses to grow a more varied diet
- Facilitating English classes to help Q’ero children maintain the authenticity of their family tradition through accurate translation
- Hosting four Q'ero Kids in Hawaii for a two-month intercultural exchange program
- Sending an English teacher from Hawaii to Cuzco. Brendan Moore has been teaching kids and helping Q'ero families as a Wiraqocha English teacher since 2012.
- Sponsoring 20 Q'ero children and parents on a visit to Machu Pikchu, one of many sacred temples of their ancestors. The tour was conducted in their native tongue of Runa Simi (Quechua) by Rudyt Waman Roman
- Donating tools to build trails between the Q’ero villages
Installing WiFi internet in the 4 most populous villages of Hatun Q’eros to provide access to learning for Q’ero Schools during the pandemic
- Feeding Q’ero Families, WF sent 22,000 pounds of food to all families of Hatun Q’eros–can’t learn if you’re hungry! We provided a “Chocolatada” traditional Hot Chocolate and Pannetonne Christmas breads means so much, and feeds the spirit of those who rarely receive such a treat! 

Support the Q'ero Kids

Meet the Q'ero Kids

100% handmade soap bar

Women's Health

Women in the Q'ero communities are facing a health crisis. Many are needlessly suffering and even dying due to the lack of availability of consistent, adequate and culturally sensitive health education and care. T

his has hit home very personally over the years, and most recently with the deaths of our beloved Doña Bernadina and Doña Ramosa. We also nearly lost Doña Monica Q'espi due to women's health issues. (She is the wife of Juan Apaza Flores, grand niece of Don Manuel Q'espi and Mother of Maxi, Ruben, Rina-Marta and Paulina, all of whom benefit from our Education program.)

In response, we are moved to create a Q'ero Women's Health Project which will service needs through a Health Access Point in the San Sebastian neighborhood. Services and education will be delivered in Quechua for Q'ero families that live in Cuzco in an attempt to prevent any more of these tragic stories about Women's Health from occurring. Your generous support can help us create and maintain this Health Access Point.

​In 1997, The Wiraqocha Foundation, in partnership with the Peruvian Institute for Andean Health and Mystic Inka Trail, conducted a health assessment of the Q’ero Nation. The health assessment revealed that being a Q’ero child under the age of five was risky; there was a 60% infant mortality rate due to bad water, and there were no schools.

 In response, Wiraqocha Foundation partnered with the Living Bridges Foundation in 1998-2000 to help fund the Clean Water Project in Q'eros, providing a charcoal filter system and piping in clean water to central water spigots in each village.

In 2021, WF installed a full plumbing system with two toilets at their ceremonial center of Hatun Q’eros!​

Support Women's Health

Cultural Preservation

Q'ero weavers, singers, musicians, dancers, and storytellers not only carry forth cultural traditions but also create new traditions rooted in their community identity. By contributing to the cultural richness of their communities, they are strengthened and empowered. The Wiraqocha Foundation is committed to the preservation of these Q’ero traditions.

 For the past twenty-five years, the Foundation has served as a bridge between the Q'ero and economic opportunities for Q’ero Priests to share their traditional weavings, songs, sacred knowledge and ceremonies with the Western world.​​

To help support the art and lives of the Q’ero people, we offer a collection of traditional Mestana cloths and rare, ancient style Ch'unchos designs, all crafted by Q'ero Paqo families weaving their traditional Inka Patterns that can only be made through sacred invocation and ceremony.

When you purchase these beautiful and sacred items, you help…

- Foster the continuation of the rich Q'ero traditions of weaving, music, and ceremony

- Educate the next generation of Paqos

- Facilitate exchange

- Minimize the disruption of the delicate culture of these sacred people.​

All proceeds from our Mestana sales go directly to the Q'ero Community Projects. 

Shop our Marketplace
100% handmade soap bar

The Global Paqo Service Network

A worldwide network of Paqos (initiates or students of the Andean Path) who come together to use the Inka Spiritual Tools on a global level for healing and transformation.

Among many examples of this work, hundreds of Paqos gathered virtually to send sami (literally ‘nectar’), and eat the hoocha (heavy energy) of the Hurricane Sandy survivors in New York. One of the Paqos there in New York, in the midst of the wreckage, said "It was could feel the sami descending...neighbors who hadn't spoken in years were greeting each other...asking what they could do to help."

​We want to create more and more of these experiences, not only helping in disaster situations but working to stave off disasters. There is a world of possibilities where Paqos can employ their skills and talents to help, starting with the most personal situations, to conflicts in towns and cities, to weather events, war, and wherever there is Hoocha…WE CAN BE THERE!​

When the need arises, we will send activation requests throughout the Global Paqo Service Network via email and our Wiraqocha Foundation Facebook page. Sign to get involved.​

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Live from a place of Love. Become a part of something greater that gives you higher meaning and creates inspiration. Help us bring harmony to humanity - and healing to our planet.

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