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Hatun Qarpay

Peru Expedition • November 21-December 3, 2024 • $4,250


Hatun Qarpay: The Great Initiation Ritual is a 12-day Peru quest facilitated annually by the Wiraqocha Foundation.

A journey into the Inka sacred geography of Peru and the wilderness of your soul.

This ancient ritual springs from a 6,000 year old tradition of nature mysticism in the Andes – designed to bring the individual into direct, intimate, personal and energetic relationship to the Divine through Great Nature herself. 

The Ten Day Great Initiation is the result of three decades of living, learning and loving the Inka way of life. It is the culmination of countless expeditions into the Q'ero clouds, hundreds of Hatun Qarpay initiations and thousands of Despacho ceremonies.

100% handmade soap bar

Study directly with Q'ero Apu & Ñust'a Paqos

Since 1992, Elizabeth B. Jenkins and the Wiraqocha Foundation have led close to 50 expeditions to Peru to experience the ancient initiation rite of the Hatun Qarpay.​

This year, we will experience amazing ceremony with our group of Q’ero women Paqos as we work with the powerful female sacred Apus of Mama Simona, Phutukusi, Waqay Willka (Veronica) and Pitusiray. Plus, we will take a deep dive into the Qoya lineages of Mama Runta, Mama Anawarqe, Chañan Qori Kuka and the Qoya Qori Kuka Lineages.

Will you join us this year?

Register Now

Sacred Feminine Wisdom in the Andes  November 21-December 3, 2024

COST: $4,250 (add $1,275 for private room) register with your deposit paid by Dec 31, 2023 and receive EARLY BIRD price of $3950

For more information please see complete itinerary below or contact us through the registration form. contact us.

Please contact Elizabeth to make your FULL PAYMENT.

Secure your place on this trip by making a $1000 deposit to the Wiraqocha Foundation below. You will need to type in the amount of $1,000 at checkout or $1030 if using Paypal. To save a 3% Paypal fee, you can pay via Wise or Zelle sent to or a check made to Wiraqocha Foundation and mailed to PO BOX 500, Naalehu, HI 96772. Please email us to let us know you have sent a check in. The balance of the payment will be due on August 10th, 2024. If you are paying by check, please put in the mail to Wiraqocha Foundation by August 1st. Your deposit is non-refundable, but if you do need to cancel, it can be transferred to a future workshop with Wiraqocha Foundation. We recommend travel insurance. Once you make your deposit, we will email you a full itinerary and information packet including what to pack and and how to prepare for this trip.


All Wiraqocha Foundation programs have a 90-day cancellation period. No refunds are possible after that.

PERU 2024

In May of 2014 Mama Simona--the ONLY female Apu (mountain spirit) in the Twelve Sacred Mountain System of Cuzco--opened her Misha (altar). Ever since that day, we at Wiraqocha Foundation, begin our Initiation Journey with ceremony to the Sacred Feminine Apus.

For 2024
We will begin in the SACRED MOON VALLEY of the INKAS with Waq’hay Willka. Once a powerful pre-Inka Priestess, she stopped the war of the seven tribes of the Moon Valley with her “Sacred Tears”—the meaning of her name—and her spirit is immortalized within her mountain. Nearby is Pitusiray, the Inka Princess who defied her father to love a lowly alpacaherd, Sawasiray. Together they became an immortal symbol and source of the power of unconditional love, two mountains where couples pilgrimage to this day for marital aid. We honor Phutuy Kusi (flowering JOY) the sacred feminine guardian mountain at the entrance to Machu Pikchu. Finally Mama Simona, a half Inka/half Spanish Priestess who’s spirit is imbued into Mama Simona Mountain in Cusco, is known as the primary female Apu whose job is to connect and integrate the living energy of all twelve Apus in the Sacred Apu System of the Sun Valley of Cuzco. She is the entry point and connection to Chañan Qori Kuka, founder of the Qoya Qori Kuka lineage of powerful sacred Queens.

These additional ceremonial days add immeasurably to our experience and provide a rare opportunity to work directly with female Q’ero Paqos and the Female Immortal Beings who are these Apus. We will experience traditional haywariquy (despacho) ceremonies and karpays to receive their unique wisdom and powerful energy transmissions. This year, and for the first time, we will work with QORI QOCHA, the sacred lake where the warrior priestess Chañan Qori Kuka took young Pachacuti to find his power, save Cusco city, and become the “World Transformer”. Here is where his alliance with the Pachacuti Ñust’as (the primordial forces of transformation) began!

ON NOVEMBER 21 You must take the EARLIEST flight from Lima to arrive in Cuzco by 7am --or as close as possible to that time. We will meet you at the airport and you will be taken directly to the hotel in Pisaq. Please provide your flight details ASAP or provide lodging details if you will already be in Cusco.

Day 1 Nov. 21:
After a nice rest and lunch we will meet with our Paqos for Afternoon Ayni Karpay Ceremony to Pachamama at the foot of Waq’hay Willka and the Apus of the Sacred Valley, Machu Pikchu, Cusco and Q’eros asking permission and blessing to begin our sacred work with an OFFERING to her majesty: WAQ’HAY WILLKA “Sacred TEARS”. You will be given the foundational understanding required for this magical and authentic 12-Day initiatory experience. Paqos: Papa Don Martin, Lorenzo, Zenovia, & Juan Q.Overnight in Pisaq, Sacred Valley—Florencio Casa Hacienda

DAY 02 Nov 22
: Unu Orqo Yanantin Waters of Pitusiray and Sawasiray—We will begin our sacred work with the connection to the Divine masculine and feminine of unconditional love found in the holy Apu couple of PITUSIRAY and SAWASIRAY Apus. At the Circular Temple of Unu Urqo we make our connection to Hanak Pacha —Cleansing Water Ritual—Opening and empowering the belly eye and ALL EYES with the living elements of Water, Earth, Sun, Wind/Moon, Stars, Cosmos. We will perform Karpay Ayni with our Masters to receive the lineage conncetion. If possible we will cleanse at Qori Qocha— tapping our tails into the water and cleansing the hoocha from our whole lives into the lake. Finally empowering ourselves with the enlightenment of Wiraqocha Inka at Qori Qocha, Power of young Kusi Yupanqui (Pachacuti Inka), Mama Anawarqe and Chañan Qori Kuka—at this sacred lake we connect with the Power of Transformation and the Pachacuti Ñust’as.—Paqos: Doña Agustina, Monica, Juan, Juan Q.Overnight Hacienda Florencio Casa Hacienda in Pisaq.

DAY 03 NOV 23.-PISAQ November 23 We travel through the sacred site of Pisaq, and then on to Ollantaytambo to engage in the ceremony of germination, working with the energies of all of the elements to feed and nourish our Inka/QOYA seeds as we visit and learn all about the spiritual and physical function of these exquisite sacred sites. We will end at the WIND GATE (Wayra Punku) empowered by Waq’hay Willka.Overnight Ollyantaytambo—Tunupa Lodge—at the foot of Waq’hay Willka 

DAY 04 .- November 24: We get up early for the breathtaking train ride to Machu Pikchu. After lunch in Aguas Calients, the town at the base of Machu Pikchu, we take the bus up to the ruins to begin our day of flowering rituals in the sacred citadel of Machu Pikchu.Overnight Mapi—Tierra Viva in Aguas Calientes 

DAY 5.- Nov. 25 : We return to Machu Pikchu to engage in a day of LEFT SIDE work beginning with a hearty hike, climbing down into the subtropical jungle behind Wayna Pikchu to enter the cave of the Ñust’as (primordial powers of manifestation) and Pachamama. Here we offer to Pachamama asking permission to perform our ceremonial work to empower ourselves with the five primordial Ñust’as. Next, we descend to the Ukhu Pacha (innerworld) cave—the cave that still possesses its original Khuyas that are meteorite stones, working with the Seven Hoochas, and connecting us powerfully to our ancestors as we perform a HUGE HOOCHA MIKHUY, each one of us cleansing our entire community. Then, we climb back out.Overnight Mapi—Tierra Viva 

DAY 6 Nov 26.- WILLKAÑUSTA AT MACHU PIKCHU EARLY MORNING – TRAIN BACK TO OLLANTAYTAMBO – CUSCOThis morning we rise early to meet and ceremonially greet the Urubamba (her ancient name is Willkanust’a) river, making the connection to the amazing spirit of this river, who joins all the ritual sites of the Sacred Inkan Geography – from Cuzco to Machu Pikchu to the Wiraqocha Temple. We catch the late morning train back to Ollyantaytambo where our bus collects us and we travel to our final site of ceremonial work with the Apus—CEREMONY AT CINCO NEVADOS. We return to Cusco and have the AFTERNOON free to rest or look around the city.Overnight Cusco—Rojas Plaza Boutique 

DAY 07 - Nov. 27: We will engage in a day-long ritual at the primary sacred sites of Cusco starting at Central Cathedral of Cusco. We go on to perform ceremonies at Saqsayhuaman, and Illia Pata—the platform of light. All these ceremonies connect us to the power of Cuzco city, to activate the Inka or Qoya seed deep inside, which further triggers the process of spiritual growth Inka style. (Note to Fredy—Alternate Qori Qocha Day.)Overnight Cusco—Rojas Plaza Boutique 

DAY 08.-Nov 28: MAMA SIMONAWe rise early for our Sacred Pilgrimage to Mama Simona Mountain with our special group of Ñust’a Paqos. We will hike to the top and make ceremony to Miskayani (the Q’ero mystical city of Feminine power), and then travel to the altar of Mama Simona and water temple called TEQSE QOCHA (world lake) ceremonial site at Mama Simona to receive powerful initiations with the Ñust’a Paqos there. ALL Ñust’a Paqos accompany us.Overnight Cusco— 

DAY 09 Nov. 29: We change Hotels to Casona Antigua San Blas In Cuzco Today we perform the ceremony of OPENING THE EYES OF THE PUMA starting with Pumaq Chupan, the Puma’s Tail. We explore the famous Qorikancha – meaning Golden Field—working with the Qosqo of Cusco– the central Sun Temple of the Inkas. This is the spiritual center of Cuzco and the place where the Inkas honored the diverse religions of all fifty-two ethnic groups that made up the Inka Empire. Here we perform the City Cleansing ritual called “Situa” All Apu Paqos. Francisco, Ricardo, Juan, Guillermo, Juan Q., Papa DMNext we go to TamboMachay for the “life after life” ritual. Overnight C.A. S. B. 

Day 10 Nov. 30: We travel to nearby Tipon, a sacred water temple, with our Ñust’a paqos who will join us for this ritual. Here we contact the Ñust’as or female spirits of each age of human growth – the young girl, the young woman, the mature woman, and the grandmother or Wise Crown. The Inkas called her QUEEN. We perform a k’intu and Haywariquy Cleansing ceremony with the Ñust’a Paqos at this AMAZING Water Temple. This is a cleansing to prepare for the following day Coronation Ritual at Wiraqocha Temple Connecting to Wiraqocha Inka and Mama Runtu. All Ñust’a Paqos. Marcosa, Agustina, Monica, Zenovia, Rosita 

Day 11, Dec. 1: Finally, We travel with the Q’ero to the Wiraqocha temple to perform our culminating Coronation Ritual of the Inkas, linking our-selves with the ancient lineages called “Panakas” or royal families of the Inkas. This is the most awe-inspiring of all the rituals.Marcosa/Guillermo, Juan/Monica, Papa DM/ZenoviaOvernight CASB 

Day 12, Dec. 2: We have our final day of healings and coca leaf readings and shopping at our Hatun Q’eros Cultural Center—culminating with ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY FAREWELL DINNER with all our GPS Faculty!

December 3—Fly home! Or stay for the first ever SACRED TRAVEL to Hatun Q’eros.


December 3: After lunch in Cusco we travel to Paucartambo about 3 hours, and visit a bit the town of Paucartambo before sleeping EARLY to rise at 4 am to make the trek up to Hatun Q”eros.Overnight Paucartambo—We stay in a “hotel of sorts” more like indoor camping!

December 4: Early 4 AM WAKE UP to arrive to Choa Choa about 7 AM and on to Hatun Q’eros. We arrive to trail for one hours walk and by 10 AM we arrive to ceremonial center of Hatun Q’eros. This beautiful and much warmer, lower elevation sacred center is stunning. We have one Whole day to visit Hatun Q’eros, and it’s ancient Inka and Pre-Inka ruins. Camping Overnight Stay in Hatun Q’eros

December 5th—Wake up early 6 AM and travel to Qolpa K’uchu. We take an hour hike up to the sacred Altar of Wamanlipa with Francisco, Ricardo and Juan at Temple of Wamanlipa and receive the Karpay of Wamanlipa Apu!Return to Challma Chimpana and lunch in Choa Choa.Return to Cusco—about 5 hour drive. Arrive 7 pm to Cusco.  Overnight Cusco

December 6 FLYHOME!